Stay on Her Foot (Foot Fetish Femdom)



I would say that most women will be put off by this, just they are by certain other fetishes. In fact, many people find fetishes of any kind strange and repellent. It may indicate to them some mental problem (whether there is or not), or they just don’t like it when someone focuses on a particular part of the body rather than enjoying all of it.

Though foot fetishes may be common, they are still not what most people expect when they get to know someone sexually. They may accept and even learn to enjoy it or they may just drop the person who has a fetish.

Feet are okay and getting a foot massage is very nice. But to me, dating someone with a foot fetish would turn me off.


As a Foot fetishist myself, I would say, she will never ever like this behaviour. If u just wana indulge yourself into feet, you can go to escorts or courtesans, but in order to have a balanced relationship, you must give her importance from head to toe.
Go slow, understand her, demand less and satisfy more, in the end you will end up having all the hellish things you desire. Women are a wonderful creatures, give them respect, security and care and they will do anything for u whole heartedly.


Some friends about this and we all agreed that as long as its not ticklish and involves sexual release for the woman too then it's ok. Most said they would like to come home and have their feet massaged and worshiped and were even happy with the idea it would lead to sexy time.

However if you are selfish and just want to get off and don't care/respect the woman's desires then it's creepy.

A foot fetish is actually quite popular in the Western Hemisphere.

So, I don't care. But, this isn't something that can be generalized. Each woman has her own mind, her own sexuality.

Whomever you are with, you will have to have that convo with them to see if you both click.




I have a foot fetish, but I never dated a guy with one. If I came of age during the golden age of the Internet that might have been different. Oh well.

I was eighteen and getting a new pair of work boots. The guy working at the shoe store was determined to place various boots on my feet himself. This was long enough ago that it wasn’t too much of a rarity, but still it wasn’t usual. After all they were work boots, not high end dress shoes.

At some point I detected a fair amount of emotion flying around. The air seemed volatile, like the pressure you can sometimes feel before a storm. Time paused, waiting. There was no one in the store but us.

Shoe Guy was flushed, intent. His entire focus was on sliding a boot on my foot, slowly, very slowly. His hand wrapped around my heel, and his fingers grasped as much of my foot as they could reach. An unnecessary move, peculiar even. I suddenly felt awkward.

He pulled the laces tight and tied them. Then he placed his open palms on his thighs and asked, “how does that feel?” never taking his eyes off my boots. His voice was hoarse, a little hushed. His blonde, balding head was beginning to dampen. As I walked around he remained on the floor, staring at my booted feet. I’m thinking ‘Christ, get up now, I’m not having you unlace these things, I can do it myself.’

He was blobby, large, an ex-jock maybe, biding time while he figures out his next move. I had an odd impulse to smack him. It almost seemed like a friendly thing to do

It was the seventies, few of us back then knew shit. I was just starting to get the idea I liked feet, and as far as I was concerned that was yet another weird-assed thing about my over the top, freaky as fuck, self. Why couldn’t I just embrace blow jobs and be done with it? Everything I do has to be complicated.

“I’ll wear them home.”

I paid the guy and grabbed the box: he looked at me intently before he completely handed it over. I’m on a delay, my awareness is always a minute or two behind reality. I left the store and it hit me - that gaze. It was pure sexual need, that guy was into me, more over, he was into my feet!

I looked around inside of teenage self to find out what I thought about it all. I decided it was fine, I didn’t mind any of it the least little bit.



Yes, I do. Both as the receiving and the giving partner.

The submissive aspect of the bottom partner's role is not much interesting to me, or maybe I haven't yet learned how to experience it fully, but my toes are extremely sensitive and it doesn't take me long to orgasm while someone is worshipping them, which is really satisfying for the bottom partner.

When I'm in the giving position, there is only one Top partner who arouses in me the desire for foot worship (I don't know why, but it doesn't seem to be related to my affection or desire for the partner themselves). With him, I go to town. There is a lot of mouth-on-foot action, there is trampling, kicking, humping, there is foot massage and pedicure, there is working as a foot stool, there is even occasional boot worship, even though it's not my thing, really. He's really happy about this because, as he claims, a submissive woman with an enthusiasm for foot worship is not easy to find and so I give him a lot of satisfaction.



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