small dick comparing (sph)

Small Dick Comparing (SPH)  

Now-a-days all lady need big cock. If you have small dick then they will laugh at you and make you very embarrassing every time. They will compared your dick with other or her ex.

Your last girlfriend was extremely disrespectful and you shouldn't let her misbehavior affect you.

To a degree many people will say that 'size matters' but as it stands, 75 percent of women have a hard time reaching orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. As much as the media tries to make it appear like a bigger size will result in immediate, multiple orgasms that's not actually the case. A lot of women have a hard time with just vaginal penetration and there is a large percentage of women who probably won't orgasm from it. So no matter how big you are, it's really not that important in the grand scheme of things.

Clitoral stimulation is a lot more effective. So what I recommend is just getting really good at knowing the female anatomy. You're more likely to pleasure a girl with your tongue or your fingers or even a sex toy if you're open to the idea. At the end of the day she's not going to really care how big or small you are if you're always amazing. And being large doesn't necessarily mean 'amazing', in fact sometimes it means the opposite because guys put so much faith in their size to pleasure a girl when it really doesn't work in seventy-five percent of cases.

For having a small penis.

In high school, a girl pantsed me in the ground, in front of her friends. I was taken aback. They all laughed. My penis is less than average size I guess. But it’s not okay to ridicule me for it. She later drew pictures of my penis and passed it around class and called me shrimp dick. That name stuck. High school was hell for me. Most nights I would cry and go to sleep. It affected my studies, I took a year off after school before going to college.

When people say Trump has a small dick and that’s why he’s acting like a racist xenophobe, or he acts like a dick coz he has a small dick, they are implying that people with less than average sized penises are disgusting. That hurts. It’s not true. I’m actually a pretty nice guy if you get to know me. Body shaming is considered bad now, but people are still ok with shaming a man’s genitals. I don’t think this will ever change.


Obviously your last girlfriend didn't know how to use her body properly. Vagina are made out of muscles, when you know how to use them anything will feel good. Unfortunately, for some woman, their ideas of sex is to lay there, spread their legs and wait for a miracle to happen. .

i had lovers with small penise and it never put me off! I have a small mouth so i give better blowjob to man with small penis and an extra perk: Anal sex! yup cause if your engine is like 9 inch there is no way i will let you enter the back door lol

Finally sex is about playing and having fun and sharing something intimate with somebody who is special to you. There's plenty of ways to enjoy sex! Your last girlfriend didn't deserve you! I wish you the best!

Just after I left school, a big group of us would head downtown at the weekends to the niteclubs. As we all were queuing outside the club, when Tony, the cool, good looking, tough guy in our group who never had trouble finding dates, decided he had enough of his current girlfriend after dating her for a few weeks, and he was going to dump her publicly, in front of the whole crowd. It was the kind of thing we had grown to expect from him. Acting dead cool as always, he announced to her in a loud voice so everyone could hear, that he wanted to be single starting right now, and it was over! Being a shy and quiet girl, she of course was totally devasted and her friends stood up for her, calling him a heartless bastard and other similar names. Meanwhile, he was just laughing it off, and his friends made it worse by saying how he could do better than her. It was really one sided and mean.

I was just thinking it couldnt get worse for her, when it turned into a bigger argument. Nearly in tears, she was demanding an explanation why. He just stayed cool, tried to brush her off, saying she wasnt his type, she wasnt that pretty and she was no good in bed! Then I never forget that moment, she turned to him, and in a loud and clear tone, so everyone could hear, replied “Im no good in bed? You’re the one with the small dick, and can only last for 2 minutes!”, She then calmly walked off. The previously cool guy, terribly embarrassed, suddenly turned a bright red color and all his friends burst out laughing, pointing at him and calling him names. For once, he was totally lost for words. It was hilarious for everyone else, but he had never been made to look so small in his life.


If you have small dick them most of lady do there husband/boyfriend in chastity or some lady give there husband pink panty to wear.

Then they bring there black boyfriend with big black dick cuckold, and then comparision with them your small dick.

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